Monday, February 23, 2015

3 Financial Tips for WAHMs

3 Financial Tips for WAHMs
As a WAHM, I've learned to accept the fact that my income is unpredictable. For this reason, I've also become a frugalista. While I have a lot of suggestions that I want to share with you, if only a few of them work for you, they will be helpful.

Financial Tips for WAHMs #1: Utilize Penny Banks

Collect your loose change and watch it add up in such a short amount of time. This is always great when you occasionally need a few extra dollars.

Financial Tips for WAHMs #2: Pay Yourself First

You need a backup plan in the form of a savings account. This means that you take out either an exact amount or a percentage of each paycheck you receive. Once you put some money into a savings account, forget about it. Of course, as you do this, you'll also want to make sure to keep track of your bills so you know how much you actually owe. A great way in which to do this is with a bill organizing system such as this one...


Financial Tips for WAHMs #3: Be Realistic

Set up small, more attainable goals. Maybe instead of having a six-month backup plan, you have one for three months. Once you reach that goal, you can move on from there.

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