Sunday, March 1, 2015

5 WAHM Productivity Hacks (Part 1)

5 WAHM Productivity Hacks
 A job is a responsibility in that there are always lots of things that need done. Unfortunately, as a WAHM it's so easy to get sidetracked throughout the day and end up realizing that we didn't accomplish what we wanted to that day. Of course, it's important to stay on track but there are also some things that can help us do just that.

WAHM Productivity Hack #1: Edit Your To-Do List 

When your to-do list grows too big, it becomes overwhelming, and you get nothing done. Instead, create a list of only three or four things that you really have to get done.

WAHM Productivity Hack #2: Recreate the Way You Do Things 

Try another way of creating a to-do list. Whether you choose to use sticky notes, or you may like the Bloom daily planner planning system tear off to do pad, which really seems to have been designed for WAHMs.

(Reviewed here...)

WAHM Productivity Hack #3: Step up to the Chalenge

Stop thinking and start doing. Challenge yourself to get everything done as quickly as possible. Of course, you don't want to stress yourself out over it though. 

WAHM Productivity Hack #4: Cut the Dead Weight 

Consider doing away with any products that you're selling that aren't selling well. Instead, focus on products that work and sell well.  Instead, focus on products that work and sell well. The same is also true for those who aren't creating products - stop saying "yes" to everything so that you can focus on what's truly important. 

WAHM Productivity Hack #5: Trust Yourself and Others 

Remember. You're a person, not a machine. When you start feeling unproductive, get up and move around a bit. This will usually help. If you're still feeling stuck on certain tasks, delegate them to others or hire someone to do them for you so that you can focus on what's really important.

Stay tuned for part 2, next week...

This blog post was part of...


  1. I need to move more and not get stuck at the computer for so long.#thisishowweroll

  2. Great tips! I have to check out that planner. I'm still tweaking my system. Tips 3 and 4 are ones I've just started doing and they make an amazing difference. Thanks so much for linking this up at This Is How We Roll Thrusday.
