Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Something to help my fellow WAHMs

As a writer, I've been told many times that I should find my "niche." This is something that I've struggled with for quite a while, (many years, in fact). A wise friend also told me at one time that we go through seasons of our lives. 

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, it's because I think I've finally found that niche. I'm very excited to share it with you as it's going to have an impact on all of my blogs, which is why I've chosen to cross post this on them. 

So, then, what is my niche? It's frugal living. Something that I've been doing in secret for a while because I don't want to be known as "the crazy coupon lady." However, it's really been a good thing for my daughter and I because it's saving us a lot of money. I've even been able to get full-size products, not samples, for free. 
I feel this is something that can greatly benefit you as my reader. Here's how: 
  • If you're a WAHM, you know that we're not rich by any means so we need to find ways to save money while enjoying our WAHM lifestyle. You can find out more about this at My WAHM Life.
  • For those who have chosen to homeschool, you know how expensive it can be. However, it really doesn't have to be that way. I haven't spent any money on textbooks this year, and my daughter is getting a great education. Want to know how? Take a look at Learning At Home.
  • All of us want to be healthy, and to keep our pets that way too, but supplements, and the like can be quite expensive. What if I told you that we can get a lot of these things for really cheap or even free? I'll teach you how at Live Love Laugh.
  • Those of us who are Christians know the Bible teaches us to be good stewards of the things God has given us. Money is one of those things so being frugal only makes sense. Start listening and learning how to be obedient at Christian Spirituality.

What this means is that you'll not only start seeing more posts where I show you how to save money, but I'll also be creating very inexpensive yet very valuable items for you, including eBooks and organizational items too. I hope this is good news for you, and that you'll benefit as much as I have from this lifestyle. Please remember to keep an eye on my blog, Keep Calm and Coupon, too because I list freebies and sweepstakes there daily. Enjoy!   

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